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Are Estate Planning Lawyers Really Necessary?

In short, the answer is “yes.” Many people question the necessity of hiring an estate planning attorney in today’s digital age, where DIY options are plentiful. However, the repercussions of improperly drafted documents can be severe. Let’s...

Reaching Old Age? Here are 3 Important Reasons of Estate Planning

There is an uncomfortable conversation that every adult must have at one point in their lives, one that’s particularly difficult because it deals with your eventual passing away. No one wants to think about the inevitable, let alone have a full on discussion...

3 Tips for Avoiding Financial Exploitation for Elders

Financial elder abuse has become a major issue in the world. According to a 2010 Investor Protection Trust Elder Fraud Survey, one in five U.S. citizens over the age of 65 have been victimized by financial exploitation. The annual amount of loss caused by these...

Can I Modify My Child Custody Arrangement After Divorce?

As a Sonoma county family law attorney, I work with many people who want to change their custodial arrangement. Conventional wisdom holds that it is exceptionally difficult to modify child custody post-divorce. Is this true? Like most things in family law, it depends...

When Anger Consumers Divorcing Parents

In my practice as a Sonoma family law attorney, I often hear or read about bitter divorces where the parties cannot work together in the best interests of their children.  But nothing compares to a case I recently came across.  Entitled In re Marriage of McLoren, this...

Can Grandparents and Other Relatives Seek Visitation?

As a Sonoma family law attorney, I am often asked if grandparents and other relatives can request visitation during divorce proceedings.  The answer is yes.  Relatives can seek joinder, a process in which they “join” a divorce proceeding in order to establish a...

Caring for an Elderly Loved One? Keep These Two Tips in Mind

The one thing that happens to all of us no matter how hard we try to avoid it: we grow older. As your loved ones age, they’re probably going to need some assistance with certain aspects of life. Some things that they were able to easily do in their younger years...

Help Your Loved Ones Battle Old Age

Caring for an aging parent can be overwhelming. The problems that your loved ones could face can change at any moment and make it even more difficult for you to help them. Some things are impossible to prepare for and just can’t be prevented. Many things,...

Financial Elder Abuse Resulting in the Loss of Billions of Dollars

Financial exploitation happens all over the world. It’s a shame, but it’s simply a fact of life. People will always look to take advantage of others, no matter how immoral — and illegal — something may be. In the United States, taking advantage...

Need a Good Estate Lawyer? Here is What You Should Look For

Hopefully, you have gotten a lot of out this life and are still enjoying every single day. Old age doesn’t mean sitting around and waiting for life to pass by. You can still get out and enjoy all that life has to offer. However, it does come with some added...