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probate lawEnsuring the protection and security of your family’s future is one of the most important aspects later in life. It can be difficult to plan for the worst, but it’s something that has to be done so that your family can be secure in the years to come.

There are people and services available that can help you with your estate planning for the future. Consulting with a probate attorney and estate planning attorney can help ease your mind and set up a plan for the future. These professionals are knowledgeable on probate law and can aid you in the creating process of a will.

Having a will can allow your funds and estate to be easily transferred to your loved ones after your passing. Not having a will, however, can result in a stressful and confusing time for everyone involved. Losing a family member is already the worst situation imaginable, so adding on any stress is never a good thing.

Sadly, according to LexisNexis, only about 41% of Baby Boomers and 55% of other American Adults do not have a will in place. The added stresses of some of these families once their loved ones pass away makes the process even more difficult. The last thing they are going to want to do is worry about finances and other property issues. If a will were in place, however, there wouldn’t be any financial confusion and the families would be able to grieve in peace.

Simply just deciding to write a will isn’t enough. The timing of the will process could take a long time and needs to be handled before any major issues. According to the Wisconsin State Bar, a will could take around six months to probate, but a more complicated will could take more than two years. Experienced probate lawyers can aid in this process.

Probate lawyers and estate planning services can provide tremendous help and assistance to you and your family. These conversations are never easy, but having your family present as well as a compassionate probate attorney can make this process as stress-free as possible.